You are here: Programme > Roya and Omid


17:40, Friday 29th June, Bragg

Director: Elhum Shakerifar (UK)

Year: 2006

Run time: 17'

Location/Ethnic group: USA/ Iranian

Language: In English and Farsi with English subtitles

Production/Distribution: pending

Roya and Omid

This film is an exploration of transsexuality in the Islamic setting of Iran. It follows 22-year-old Bardia, a female-to-male transsexual now living in America, who was previously known as Roya – when he was a girl- and as Omid – when he dressed up as a boy. His testimony of sex change contrasts with those of Handry, Lila and Donya, male-to-female transsexuals still living in Iran and enduring the difficulties of losing the rights they enjoyed as men, and embodying their new roles as women, an inferior sex.